Well, where does it come from?! Hopefully you said the Lord. Although some people look to other sources- such as astrology, horoscopes, other people, the news, self help books, etc. You get my point. While some of those things aren't "bad," they are not what we should (myself included!) rely on as our sole source of help in times of trouble.
This verse I wanted to share with you today from my Beth Moore study came up several times during Tori's sickness. I had to often times remind myself that no doctor, nurse, medication, etc. could be what I solely relied on for strength, hope, and even a cure. To remind you of that time period and how well this applied, I read an old blog that I remembered writing about this very verse back when Tori was in the hospital. I can still remember looking out her hospital room window that day (she had a huge window in her room compared to most hospital rooms) and I always enjoyed reflecting on things such as this while looking out of it.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:1-8
As I read the way Beth drew a parallel to the fact that this passage is similar as an actual earthly journey and our everyday spiritual journey, I envisioned a traveler walking down a path with high mountains on both sides of him (just like I feel sometimes- overwhelming "giants" all around me), watching for thieves who try to steal from him (AKA "the Devil" for us), and yet the psalm he was still singing about his Protector, his Deliverer, his Savior -- and believing it was true. WOW.
What are some of the things that we want in our everydayjourneys that a traveler might want when their path is uncertain just as ours is? I listed security, protection, comfort, stability, reassurance, peace of mind, etc. The list could go on and on. The fact is, in verses 7 and 8 alone, it says the Lord will do all of those things for us. It says He will protect us, keep us, and guard us. If that doesn't give you comfort about Who holds your future, I don't know what will! (I must admit the words on these pages of the Bible haven't always been as real and exciting to me at previous times in my life, but they are now and I long to read more and more encouraging things like Psalm 121!)
Beth asked if there was a current need in our lives where we need these truths hammered into our heads; well I listed 3 different ones. I need to constantly be reminded of His promises; otherwise, I might have thrown in the towel by now. What about you? What situation do you need to remind yourself of and counter it with one of God's promises? I promise it will help to list them and then list a promise beside it that He has given to us.
In closing, I want to share something she said that really hit home to me about His protection in my everyday life: "God always protects His children. Yes, often from the physical threats of the world around us, but always in the unseen realm where demons hiss and the gates of hell quake. Our feet do not slip in a world so real, so vivid, that ours is a shadow by comparison. The Lord lets no harm befall us in the world where the truest threats lie." Bottom line, He doesn't allow anything to happen to us that we can't handle without His help. Trust me, I've wondered before how in the world He could trust me this much?? but there are so many things that we don't even see or comprehend that He protects us from because we are His children.
Won't you put your trust in Him wholeheartedly and look to Him for your help? He's proven over and over that He's the real deal.
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