Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Political Issues

I just finished watching the debate. "What is our country coming to," is all I can say? I know with what I am about to say may not be what you personally agree with politically, but since this is MY blog, I thought I'd speak openly. To clear up the question you may be thinking: I don't agree with the moral issues Barack Obama stands for at ALL and will be voting for John McCain in 3 weeks, so now that that's out of the way, let me say what got me thinking about posting this blog.

They both disappointed me tonight when they stayed on the issue of negative campaigning far too long and seemed to bicker about it. I thought, "This is ridiculous!" There were so many other issues to discuss, and it's something that is about to be over in 3 weeks anyway. I hate when it all becomes like a soap opera. I despise politics for this very reason...there is so much bickering, slandering, backstabbing, etc., until it becomes down right disgusting. I can't stand how cut throat it becomes. You can't control what your supporters will say or do, although one should never agree with comments like "Kill Obama," etc. and I think McCain should encourage Americans that things like that are tacky and unneccessary.

Speaking of the election, we have a McCain/Palin sign in our yard, and our neighbor across the street had an Obama sign in hers. The next day after putting hers up, someone stole the sign out of the metal stand. I thought that was ridiculous. I choose to say, "we may disagree, but you have the right to have your opinion and I am not going to be hateful about it and steal your sign, etc."

I thought to myself "that's what ruins our reputations as Christians so many times....we claim to be or live one way with our mouths, and then we turn right around with our actions and do the exact opposite." What do you think doing that said to my neighbor about republicans? She was turned off even more and fairly disgusted with them I'd say. I know I would be upset if someone stole my McCain sign basically saying that you don't have a right to display your opinion!

We must be cautious while having heated debates with others at work, church, etc. We have to say what we believe, but we also have to display Christ by being respectful, loving and even accepting of others who see it differently than we do. One of my very best friends is voting for Obama, and although I jokingly gave her a hard time about it, I did dispute what I believe and why I think what he believes is wrong. We agreed to disagree and I believe that we both were the better for it.

As Christians, I believe that we should stand for what we believe, especially at times like this. Someone said to me recently, "what's the point in voting for McCain? It's all going to happen anyway so we're not going to make a difference in these moral issues by voting for him?" I was enraged inside because that was a BELIEVER asking me this! If that is your mindset, why not just give up now? For God's sake, please don't call yourself a Christian. The day that we say, "well, they're going to do it anyway, so we might as well not stand up for abortion being wrong" is the day we accept murder and mock God's word. The day we say that we aren't going to stand up against homosexuality and fight to keep this a country of mommy's and daddy's vs. 2 mommy's or daddy's for our children to learn about and accept is the day we accept filth for our children's minds and mock God's words again.

No, my one vote may not change the fate of the country, but standing for what I believe matters to me and I can assure you it matters to the most important person of all, and that is our Savior, Jesus Christ. I already am going to stand before Him so unworthy, ashamed of all I didn't do while I had the chance to live for Him....but I need to be striving and standing for what's right and I believe that is even in the form of voting according to what His word would have me to stand for. So seek what the Lord would have you do on this issue. Any comments are welcome. However, I forewarn you that I am not kept abreast on every single issue with these candidates, but the major issues I am familiar with. I do stand for what I believe in and I think that is the bottom line.


Brittany said...

My opinion and my opinion only: I actually enjoyed the discussion how each campaign was treating the others. I think both candidates made good points that there was more important issues to discuss, but I also believe that the character of the candidate is just as important... to me, a candidates views on abortion are just as important as how they carry themselves, their body language during a debate, and the way they treats others. In some ways such things are more important than a candidates views on abortion because anyone can simple say "I am for/against abortion", but you see more of the person's true being in their body language and how they react to someone that they do not agree with and are running against. Maybe it is just my personality, but I took notice when Barack called McCain "John" throughout the debate as to show a lack of respect, and when McCain laughed while Barack was speaking to show a lack of respect.

Just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

O.k., I'm going to be a little of devil's advocate here and tell what I've been seeing on TV in Lithuania. Well, not Lithuanian TV, but CNN World. (It's about the only thing in English.) :)

First of all, I won't be voting because I found out the process of what to do to vote abroad and don't have time to do that whole process. But, if I were, I'm a little torn but leaning to one side... I'll explain.

If I weren't a Christian, I'd for sure vote for Obama. That's because he seems more level headed, calm, and usually speaks in a way I understand. Also, I watched his wife on Larry King Live the other day and thought she was very intelligent and her comments blew me away. I've seen biographies on the candidates and the vice presidential candidates and tons of people's views and opinions and would vote for Obama.

But, I said if I weren't Christian... To me, Obama makes practical sense. I'm a person who believes in what the Bible says and find that the issues of abortion and gay rights are clear. These issues sway me to McCain. What I've watched on the news (fairly unbiased, too) he doesn't seem to be the practical choice. But, Christianity is based on faith and obedience in Christ.

Anyway, these are my opinions. I know how important this race is in our history and have actually paid more attention this time to what's being said (at least I feel that I have) compared to other elections.

If it came down to the vice presidents, I'd have to go with Palin over Biden. Something just seems not right with him. So, there's another reason to go to the McCain side. :)


Melissa said...

After reading both of your comments, Brittany and Julie, I thought of something I should have said in my first post.

I am voting for McCain because of the moral issues that I feel are more important than some of the other issues at hand that aren't near as important.

However, I do agree that Obama sounds much more appealing in some ways....meaning that he is a smooth talker, promises great things and has some good ideas, but I CANNOT let all the surface type appealing things cloud what I believe in first and foremost.

The way John McCain would rudely laugh and interrupt while Obama was speaking irritated me. He was being very obnoxious at times and I thought how his body language is is exactly what does turn some American people off to him.

Obama carries himself well, talks smoothly and nicely, while John McCain is not so much like that. However, he does stand for the moral issues I believe are more important than all those things.

Don't get me wrong, and I thought about this after I posted yesterday, I am in no way saying that if you vote for Obama that you are not a Christian. That is why I ended my post with "pray about what the Lord would have you do" instead of "Vote McCain, or you are going to hell!"

After all, I am ready and waiting for scripture to come to pass. People say after this election could determine some very important things, such as if we're really living in the end times, etc. I say, I'm ready! I am expecting Scripture to come to pass eventually, and if it's going to be in my lifetime, I'm just glad to know I'll be gone before it gets to the worst part. Aren't you??

God be with our country, though, and help and guide our leaders!!

Brittany said...

I just wanted to take a minute to say that I am totally voting for McCain, just in case my comment before sounded otherwise, because his morals are in line with mine... I don't completely agree with him, but I think he is def the lesser of the two evils in this campaign.

lori1984 said...

I honestly and so sick and tired of this election already i have been for a while now.... I will be voting for McCain.. I don't really like him i really was hoping Mitt Romney would get the nominee but thats another story for some other time.... I And not voting for Obama because first of all I am not a Republican or Democrat. I am Just Very conservative when it comes to politics i Believe there should be a Fair tax, i think that i work to hard for my money for it to go to things / People that don't work... I think it is Ridiculous that Obama wants to tax me more and Give my money to people that don't even work because his whole tax the Rich did you know that you are "rich" if you make $40,000 a year that is crap! I think social security needs to be Privatized ... I think i also work way to hard for my money to go to something i will never see... I think welfare is Crazy it can be helpful but needs a better system because it ends up hurting people and not helping... But my biggest Issue is Abortion I am a One issue kind of person and anyone who thinks Killing a baby is ok you have Problems! Obama not only thinks abortion is ok he thinks that Partial birth abortion is ok!!
he thinks that if you carry a child 9 months and decide then you don't want it any more then why not kill it!!! he also has a "Friend" for lack of a better word who thinks that a Baby is a fetus till it is 6 weeks old and you he thinks you should be able to terminate the "Fetus" baby anytime before it hits 6 weeks what kind of monster do you have to be to believe that!! he is a Professor at so college in the north east... Obama is a Socialist and I believe in a Free Market, and think that socialism doesn't work... sorry get off on my soap box lol thanks for listing...

Anonymous said...

First let me say that I intend to vote for McCaine. Second, let me say that the words/names "Obama/Biden" sound WAY too much like "Osama/BinLaden". Ever look at it in that way???