Saturday, July 26, 2008

True to His Word

I just a had brief thought, that I felt led to share. This week has been a horrific week for me and I have felt very discouraged. Though people and circumstances will disappoint us, let us down and we will do the same to others, aren't you glad that we have a loving Father that is there through it all? He promises to never leave or forsake us and I have taken Him at His word this week resting in the fact that that promise will be true in the days to come as well. I am so thankful that He is true to His word and that it never returns void. Some people need tangible proof that He is real and that the words of His book are true, but I'd like to share with them that first hand I know that it is all true and He is indeed real.

It is no coincidence that I have been doing an in depth Bible Study for the past 6 weeks on the Psalms of Ascent and "storing up," if you will, on His promises and provisions for my life. My flesh cries out at times and just wants to give up, but He has been faithful to bring me back to just the right scripture and person in my path to share it with me, too. When I feel so hopeless, He has been faithful to His word and draws me close to Him, comforting those who mourn, giving peace to the brokenhearted and loving me unconditionally. I am SO unworthy of this, but proud to be a child of the King and receive these gifts of love from my Father.

Won't you join me and receive the joy He gives to those who love Him? I have realized more than ever that I want to get out of the pit of oppression and live victoriously. I am going to mess up, even today after I write this blog, and I'm going to be hurt and disappointed by others, too, but I am so thankful for His Holy Spirit and His presence in my heart. I am so thankful that He is true to His word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel,

Great words to share in spite of what you're dealing with. I admire the strength you have found in God throughout your struggles. You are a true testament to giving God the glory in the midst of the strom. Be brave and bold in claiming victory over any and all attacks that the enemy brings against you. I love you!
